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A Parent of each athlete will need to acknowledge during registration that they have read and understood this policy.

  • If the program is shut down or suspended for public health reasons, or by governing bodies, we are still required to fulfill our contractual obligations, and we cannot guarantee a refund or credit.
  • There will be no refunds or credits for missed sessions or time due to illness, injury or personal scheduling conflicts. Schedules are subject to change, as a result there will be no refunds or credits due to changes in the schedule. Please note, Schedules are not always available at the time of Registration, there will be no refunds or credits due to scheduling conflicts when the Schedules are released. Whitecaps London is under no obligation to accommodate requests to train with other teams or age groups due to scheduling conflicts.
  • There will be no refunds or credits for missed sessions due to facility closures because of weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.
  • There will be no refunds/credits/uniforms for players that voluntarily withdraw from our Program. The cancelling of Payment Plans will be at the discretion of the Soccer Club.
  • If the program needs to be adjusted and/or shortened due to circumstances beyond one's control, a Force Majeure and/or an unforeseen event, the club reserves the full authority to decide whether there shall be pause or extension to programming.
  • There will be no refunds requests due to change in Public Health Guideline that provide guidance to mandatory vaccinations to enter facilities. 
  • There will be no refunds due to players and/or parents being removed from our program due to violating our Code of Conduct.
  • There will be no refunds or credits due to changes in locations or venues/facilities/turf/grass/gymnasiums. In the event the club is unable to secure facilities as per our program outlines, the club reserves the right to utilize alternative facilities, as turf time is limited in London and surrounding area and Turf may need to be substituted for gymnasiums or community centres in winter and grass in summer. 


A $100 Administration Fee will apply to all registration refund requests.

If a player signs an OPDL Letter of Commitment and then requests a release prior to January 1st the initial payment will not be refunded.

The cost of player uniforms and player book processing will be deducted from refund requests initiated after January 1st.

ALL costs (including training and any OPDL fixed costs) incurred before the refund is requested will be deducted from any returned amounts.

If families have a balance owing to the Whitecaps London when a player withdraws, a release letter allowing the player to enroll with another OPDL organization will not be issued until those fees are paid and the player’s account is in good standing. This is in keeping with OPDL/OS rules.

According to Ontario Soccer policy, no refunds will be provided after the OPDL Roster Deadline.

PLEASE NOTE: As a convenience to its members, Whitecaps London offers payment plans for its PRE-OPDL and OPDL programs. The payment schedules are not calculated as monthly fees, but rather break up the overall registration costs into installments. It may be the case that depending on the timing of the withdrawal of a player on a payment plan, there may still be an amount owing to Whitecaps London



Players with Non-OPDL Teams - Grassroots (U8-U12), Rep Teams (U13+) and Senior Teams (U18+)

The Whitecaps London Registration Fee is non-refundable.

Refunds will not be processed for Whitecaps London Players when a player withdraws after they have been offered and have accepted a team or program assignment, NO EXCEPTIONS.

NO REFUNDS will be issued if a player leaves voluntary after he/she has accepted a spot on a Whitecaps London team or program.

A Whitecaps London Player will NOT be registered with their respective Ontario Soccer league if outstanding fines or fees have not been paid. NO EXCEPTIONS



Whitecaps London - Southend Recreational Houseleague and Future Caps Players

A $30 Administration Fee will apply to all Recreational registration refund requests.

Full refunds are only provided when there is an insufficient number of players to run a team or program.

All refund requests must be submitted to before March 1st for our Outdoor Program and October 1st for our Indoor Program.

There are no refunds after March 1st for our Outdoor Program and October 1st for Indoor Program.



All returned cheques and failed credit card payments are subject to a Whitecaps London admin fee of $50.


Refund requests will not be accepted within 30 days of the program start date or on or after January 1.

There will be no refunds for individuals/players/parents removed from our program due to violating our Code of Conduct or excessive disciplinary issues.


Players and Parents are fully responsible for paying any fines assessed to Whitecaps London by their actions.


Our Soccer Club will utilize facilities made available to us. There are no guarantees that training sessions will be held on turf. Also, there are no refunds or credits for sessions cancelled due to field conditions or weather are beyond the Soccer Clubs control.


A Parent of each athlete will need to acknowledge during registration that they have read and understood this policy.

If a Family has selected a Payment Plan, please note that Payments must be made on the date required. Failure to do so could result in your child being unable to participate in any Club activity until the outstanding payments are made. It could also result in being required to pay the entire outstanding balance owing. Failure to make Payments could result in the players removal from our Soccer Club and balance owing sent to collections. 


As a parent/guardian of a player of Whitecaps London, I/we agree to the financial obligation and responsibilities 
described below.

  1. As the parent/guardian of a player, I/we acknowledge our obligation to pay our assessed fees in full and on time as per the payment plan provided by Whitecaps London (The Club). If fees become significantly in arrears (more than 30 days) so, as to compromise the finances of the Club, and if attempts to collect have been unsuccessful, the Club will suspend the player from participation in training, games, events or other Club activities until amounts have been paid. Payments in arrears more than 60 days will be sent to Collections. 
  2. If a player elects to leave Whitecaps London for any reason at any point in time during the annual program, there will be no refund of fees paid to date, and there will be no waiver or forgiveness of any outstanding or future financial obligation due to Whitecaps London.  The player will be charged an additional 1-month payment beyond the de-registration request date to cover administration costs related to the de-registration.  For example – A player requests de-registration from Whitecaps London on June 14.  The initial payment and monthly payments from November 1 to June 1 are not refundable, as well as the July 1 payment must be submitted to Whitecaps London.
  3. If a player or parent is dismissed from Whitecaps London for disciplinary reasons, or breaching our Club Code of Conduct, there will be no refund of fees paid up to the dismissal date, and there will be no waiver or forgiveness of any outstanding financial obligations due to Whitecaps London.
  4. If a player’s family decides to take an extended vacation that effects the player’s attendance of Club programming, there will be no pro-rated or discounted club fees for the time away.
  5. Players are not permitted to participate in festivals, tournaments or showcases if club fees are not up to date and if required, the festival/tournament/showcase fee is not paid in full by the designated date provided by the club.
  6. If a player’s club registration fees are calculated using a sibling discount upon entering the Club, and the sibling decides to leave the Club, it is understood that the remaining player’s registration fees will be adjusted at that time to not include a sibling discount.
  7. All cheques are payable to “Whitecaps London"
  8. All NSF cheques and Failed Credit Card Payments are subject to a $50.00 charge to the family by Whitecaps London.


In the event of a Whitecaps London player obtaining a long-term injury, Whitecaps London will adhere to the following regarding the financial commitment:

  1. 1-7 weeks missed of training and games – There will be no credit or refunds of club annual fees.
  2. 8 weeks or more missed of training and games – Whitecaps London will credit all registration fees beyond the period and up to the return to program.  Returning to the program includes any injury recovery training taking place at Whitecaps London training.  Credits will go by the pro rated monthly fee and will not be pro-rated by weeks missed. 

Example 1 – A player sustains a long-term injury on November 14 and returns to the Whitecaps London training environment for recovery training any date in the time period of November 21 to January 8, there will be no credit provided. 

Example 2 - A player sustains a long-term injury on November 14 and returns to the Whitecaps London training environment for recovery training on any date in the time period of January 9 to February 4, there will be a credit of 1-month.